Thursday, March 25, 2010

Luchemos por Lograr una Cuba Democratica, Libre y Justa!

Por Cuba Democratica,Libre y Justa/Free Cuba Now!
We should keep fighting until Democracy,Freedom and Justice is restored in Cuba,but of course,without " the help" of Dictator Fidel, and his brother Raul,who are running the island as a personal property in a very destructive way for the nation.We must never dismay in our efforts to let the world know what is really going on inside the gallows in the prisons and the forced labor the political prisioners of concience face every day together with the lack of food and medical attention. We must never forget those sent to pysiquiatric wards to receive "electroshock therapy" because of their beliefs or just because they opposse the arbitrary regimen impossed upon them by the ruling tyranny.In Cuba,every day people are struggling to survive, because Castro's internal embargo upon civil life and human rights and not because the so-called "american embargo." Don't hesitate and speak out everytime you have the opportunity to do so for the future and sake of the cuban people who have no voice inside the captive island and much less access to the Internet to make themselves heard to the outside world. The Cuban People always is going to be grateful for our efforts and thats is our best reward. Sooner or later the Truth must prevail! Nuestra lucha para lograr que impere la Democracia,la Libertad y la Justicia en Cuba no cesara hasta que el dictador Fidel,y su hermano Castro,dejen de desgobernar la isla,utilizandola como si fuera de su propiedad personal,pero de una manera muy destructiva para el pueblo cubano.Nosotros no debemos desmayar en nuestros modestos esfuerzos de dejarle saber al mundo lo que en realidad esta pasando dentro de los calabozos en las prisiones,de los trabajos forzados a que son sometidos los prisioneros politicos de conciencia cada dia.Nosotros no debemos de olvidar a aquellos que son llevados a centros siquiatricos para recibir sesiones de electroshocks por sus creencias religiosas, o por discrepar del arbitrario regimen impuesto sobre ellos, encabezado por los hermanos Castro.Cada dia que pasa se lucha por sobrevivir,no ya el mal llamdo "embargo americano",sino el embargo interno que Castro tiene implantado en contra de las libertades civiles mas elementales y derechos humano. Levanta la voz cada vez que tengas la oportunidad de hacerlo por el bien y el futuro del pueblo cubano que no tiene voz dentro de la isla cautiva y mucho menos acceso a la Internet para airar sus quejas ante el mundo libre.El pueblo cubano nos agradecera nuestros esfuerzos y esa es nuestra mejor recompensa. Tarde o temprano la Verdad prevalecera! Alex Hernandez
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  1. SIN Fidel Todo/CON Fidel Nada!NO to Castro's Rule!


    Debemos tener en mente que el progreso de Cuba comenzara cuando la ausencia de Castro este presente y un nuevo sistema progresivo,no opresivo o represivo lleve al pais,poco a poco,al bienestar natural que merece en lo economico,politico y social.Cuando "la bota negra" y "el uniforme verde olivo" sean suprimidos de la vida diaria del pueblo cubano,entonces es que podemos empezar a pensar en un futuro brillante para Cuba.Cuando se supriman las ergastulas frias y calientes del DTI, DGI y del G-2(al doblar del Palacio Presidencial y Villa Marista en La Habana),la PNR (con sus detenciones arbitrarias en todos los sectores policiacos en cada ciudad para amedrentar y reprimir a la poblacion civil,en especial a los jovenes),los Comites(con sus chivatos amedrentados e inverbes),la juventud comunista(hipocrita que impera en Cuba), entonces se podra hablar de progreso en todos los ordenes para la sociedad civil cubana.Con Castro Nada,Sin Castro Todo! Con Fidel Nada,Sin Fidel Todo! Con la Verdad,Prevaleceremos y Ganaremos la Lucha en Contra de los Hermanos Castro! Paciencia,el que Persevera Triunfa!Todos Unidos en el Exilio y Tambien Dentro de Cuba,Mantengamos Nuestras Cabezas y Moral en Alto ante el Embate de la Dictadura Castrista!-We should visualize progress for Cuba when the Castro's brothers are not more in power,when "the black boot" and "green uniform" are not any more a symbol of oppression and repression upon the cuban people.When the "cold and hot" gallows are finished and the "repressive aparathus"is over,when in Cuba no more rule the "law" of the DGI,PNR and G-2,then is when the cuban people is going to start to breath free! If we have a good dosis of "patience" is because we persevere in our efforts to free the cuban people inside the captive island.Keep your morals values and your head up when you face the Castro's infiltrates in the United States of America trying to help his mean rule upon the cuban peoiple disguissed as an "english speakingTrojan Horse! No dealing whith Castro! Without Castro everything,with Castro nothing! With Fidel in power nothing,without him everything!We must prevail and be succesful in our efforts triyng to liberete Cuba from Castro.Cubans exiles,keep ypur head up!We shall overcome upon ignorance,lies and bad faith!Cuba Si,Castro No!Freedom for Cuba!The future belong to the Man of good faith! Alex Hernandez


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    Copyright © 2000 Alex Hernandez. All Rights Reserved

  2. Against the Castro Brother's Infamy!
    Freedom for all cubans! A Democratic form of Government for Cuba! Stop the Malice and Crimes of Castro's Criminals in Power in Cuba! Down with Half Century of Tyranny! Long Live the Cuban Patriots who Died for the Freedom of Cuban People! Down with the Slanders and Difamation of those who died in Hunger Strike in Cuba! Down with all forms of Libellous Staatement about Zapata! Respect the Dead and the Cause they Died For! The Castro Regimen Statements are Those of a Low, Very Low Totalitarian Regimen! What else can the World expect from those despictable individuals in power in Cuba? Stop right now and once and for all, those False and Malicious allegations and statements about Oppositors, Disidents, Pacific and Political Prisioners of Concience in Cuba! Real Criminals are in Power Destroying Cuba, not in Jail!
